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If every single human being on Earth were to lay down (like logs at a lumber mill) in New York's Central Park, that stack of humanity would reach just 1,308 feet into the sky.  That's 450 feet shorter than the Freedom Tower.  Don’t believe it?  Neither did I . . . until I ran the numbers. 

So, here’s the question -- How could such a small volume of (arguably) “intelligent” living matter change the climate of an entire planet, know that it was destroying its only home and still do almost nothing about it?”

The culprit is carbon dioxide (CO2) and its ability to trap and retain the sun’s energy.  Worldwide, our consumption of fossil fuels is dumping between 40 and 50 billion tons of heat-trapping CO2 into our atmosphere every year.  If we want to stop "slow roasting" our planet, we have to stop burning fossil fuels; we have to repower all of humanity’s energy engine with carbon-free sources.  It’s that simple . . . and it’s that hard

Many people who care deeply about global warming seem to think that “beating” global warming is just a matter of putting solar panels on every rooftop and an EV in every garage.  Sadly, they’re wrong. 

This book shines a bright light on the magnitude of the challenge, the limited arsenal of technologies at our disposal to combat the problem and the obstacles we’ll encounter.  The analysis reveals fifteen "myths" about global warming and arrives at the uncomfortable, but unassailable conclusion that we will not “beat” global warming.  Until we accept this stark and unsettling reality, we’re likely to waste (even more) time, squander (even more) resources on futile counter-measures and most importantly, reject solutions that could actually mitigate the problem.


I don’t like the conclusions of my book any more than you will, but “knowledge is power,” denial is not a strategy and complacency is not an option.  While we won’t escape the ravages of global warming, there are things we can and should do to lessen its consequences on future generations.   

Description of the Book

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